gegründet: 2007
Über AmityVoices
SEVEN musicians from THREE continents living in ONE world !!!
They first met in July 2007 in Berlin/Germany to build up a new a cappella group with percussion sounds. Bringing all their cultural backgrounds together they use the language of music to fulfill their own Vision of AMITY.
The front line of AMITYVOICES consists of four brilliant and beautiful ladies:
LORA MALL and CHRIS KLAAR from Germany, LIA ABUSU from Congo and MONA KHOLES from Thailand/Germany.
They are accompanied by two absolutely great percussion players:
MOMO DJENDER from Algeria and TAYFUN SCHULZKE from Turkey/Germany.
The master of electronic sounds on stage and a percussion player as well is
DJane LA TIMBERA from Hungary/Germany.
This extraordinary ethnic mix and the abilities and experiences of the musicians brought a very interesting and unique new vocalband into the international a cappella scene.
AMITYVOICES' worldmusic fusion is the combination of traditional folk songs, singing techniques and rhythms with other popular music styles.
AMITYVOICES appear in different casts/combinations on stage:
only the singers, singers + percussion players, singers + djane or the whole band.
So they may impress with a great variety of performances - from four touching voices to the powerful sound of the entire group.
Either in concert halls or on festival stages AMITYVOICES connect theirselves with the audience and create a joyful cosmopolitan atmosphere.
The singers and the percussion players are also giving workshops for groups who are interested in worldmusic songs and rhythms - let's come together!
10115 Berlin